One Use for an Old Window

I had my husband hang an old window on the wall. We had been using an UGLY white board to put our weekly calendar on it so the entire family would know what was planned for the week-not just Mommy!
I looked for a CHEAP or free old window for a while. I really wanted an 8 pane window, but no luck. People are proud of those! So I settled for a 6 pane and just combine Sat/Sun. I covered a clipboard in scrapbook paper and that is where we will put each child's newsletters or notes from school etc. I haven't finished them yet, still have to put their initial on there and do the other clipboard. I am experiementing as to which color dry erase marker to use..I think BLACK will be best, but of course I don't have one yet! ;)
The shelf I found out Home Goods and it was damaged so I got a good deal on it and brought it home to Sweetie and he fixed it right up for me. I found some cute fall decorations while I was out too. Entire wall including the "pretties" less than $75. :)
Next step....use vinyl cutter to cut out letters for each day of the week....maybe this week sometime...we'll see.
The Curtains
As soon as I saw they arrived, I called my husband, who was on his way home from work and told him to run to Home Depot to get the piping for the rods. In the great room I used the same pipping to put up my wall of curtains (see post HERE) He was a little put out that I asked him to put the curtains up that night...He had no idea that HONEY-DO Lists applied to weeknights too.
Next thing I need to do...find the right table!
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